الثانوية العامة - الفيزياء باللغة الانجليزية - الامتحان التجريبي لشهادة اتمام الثانوية العامة "اللغات و التجريبي"
Answer four questions only of the following :First Question : A) Mention one application
1 - Eddy cuurents
2 - Dewar's Flask
3 - Laser in the Medical Field
4 - X rays in industry
5 - Specialized electric components
B) First : Explain how can you demonstrate practically the phenomenon of self induction using an electromagnet , a battery , a switch and connecting wires only.
Draw a labeled diagram for the used electric circuit .
second : Mention one factor that can reduce each of :
1 - the electric conductivity of a pure silicon crystal.
2 - The wavelength associating the electron beam .
3 - The characteristic wavelengths of (x) rays .
4 - The loss in the electric power through the transmission lines .
5 - the loss in the electric power through the transmission lines .
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